Thursday, March 31, 2011


Don't forget to add this bitch y'all

jigabellamyorke : jgn marahh~!/YunaArchibald

bitch daycare

my protege : Zaara


so bitches long tak update laugh out loud i don't know why maybe i' m lazy kot hehe just on my mind i thought nobody is reading my blog but actually there is somewhere in my inner-self. so talking bout quitting the job .... i really did quit my job for the reason that i posted last time i guess if you guys reading it you know why ? aite.

so what the hell did i do at home ? okay Shafiq Hamidon.... i bknye dok makan jer kat umah tue but adela sket ! anyway i jaga my beautiful cuteness of the mother bitches zaara yang meragam at different time and moment but when i saw she is smilling i know that i m having a good life with her around to keep cheering us . when you realized that there is someone new in your house it will be awkward but everybody will start to become "jakun" and when she is not around its weird because maybe we just missed the crying song that cheers us up. but wanna know something.... what ? when zaara did cried everybody like will come to her ! she was lucky ... to have 5 uncles or pak cik's with her !

so i bet you guys wanna know how did my results turn up rite .... jeng3 next post

up to date

haqim zulkifli sudah2 lah tuh asyik ngan lagu korea bosan la

muke saser' s bitches menerima keputusan
baju unggu : haqim 8A
baju oren : Shah 8A
Baju cream : Shafiq : Straight A's
Baju green: lalat Straight A's
Turquoise: Yuna 8A


me ngan ketua dorm kesayangan dan besties yang rock!
Yuna & Shah

paling pandai dlm group :Lalat ntah brape A+ die tak terkira

pekerja paling hot F.O.S

kebosanan menunggu bitch di atas habis dari menjual badan .......

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cheras bitch!

so long bitches tak updates sorry ! but why should i say sorry because i knew that there is like just a few people reading my blog anyway and this week i got a big fuckin news! wanna know ? the binatang is freaking at home sice its a school holiday~ i can't blame him oops him ? what the fuck!
so anyway i m in my lovely sis-in law housie sittin doin nothin since waiting for Jigabellamyorke's answer when the fuckin hell she is freaking free!

so Jigabelamyorke : i want answer now!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


so bitches....
i can die of boredom .... my day starts as usual with nothing to do and just keeping my baby zaara's company . i love my zaara ! but i did something that i don't expect i can do actually . All i can say is just watch it and comment it okie bitches ...

love YUNA

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday!

caption : semua orang berubah ... begitu juga anda

Happy Birthday JigaBellamyorke!!
sweet 18 rocks

love Yuna

i quit...

caption : Shah jgn bajet cute okie !!

so bitches ...

caption ready to hear-it (jengx3) i quit from my work haha its just because i m tired of boredom . my day was just coming to the office and online the whole freaking day. i felt bad because a lot of question keeps spinning in my mind and thoughts like..

"is RM 500 is worth for what i had done ?"
"am i wasting my dad's money ?"
"is this really what i wanna do ?"

i think the answer will be a fuckin big NO!! because i m not worth it. i can say that i am lucky because i have my dad to help me out but i felt bad because everything that i had done at ammxius is not worth it. i don't wanna waste my dad's money ? am i . therefore i decided to just step off and quit from that job. but the best thing is i got my baby ZAARA in da house to keep me company okay bitches ...

love YUNA


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Like a C6 with -01

caption : just bought this

so bitches
yesterday after attending Ayol's E day my parents decided to bought me a new phone since my phone recently was broken meaning rosak mcm shial. hurm exciting i mean yes of course and you know what the best thing is my mom's phone which was just bought a few months ago it was C3 and you know what ? it happens to be the same fate as me ! which means when you called a person that fuckin person can hear single thing what you says ....

the can only hear zsszsszzs! ( line fuckin ) so my besties daddy says damn its time to get a new phone! well to be frank when i get to low yat i was confuse and kinda half-hearted on NOKIA since my heart said i want an i PHONE 4 which is not affordable ( my dad can buy it! it just that i don't want it since i just bought my laptop and for RM 2700 man thats not worth it ) when my dad asked that salesman and he said it was RM 2680 i just grab my dad's shoulder and i said ):

ME: takpela abah kite beli Nokia jer la ! mahal sangat la (fake smile )
DAD : heh my dad smile :)

i was happy to see him smile and for now on i decided to collect my own money and buy my i phone by myself ! aite ....

P/S : Jiga nanti kite beli phone same2 eh bile duet dah cukup ! aite !

thanks to pak lang denan 's fabs nasi arab and mak lang mee udang was so fabulous ! i m full and ayong comment me on my photo said that i look fat and i say "memang ah keje asek makan jer " and i m proud with myself just the way i am and how do i look ? i does not reflect me on any single way ! i am proud of who i am ...

love Yuna

Thursday, March 3, 2011


cinta kepada-Nya , lebih bermakna daripada cinta manusia

its quite a long time i m not posting aite ? been to busy watching stupid stuff quite meaningless just to be happy but not really. so today like usual wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy ! mandi , gosok gigi and minum kopi then off to work with my kiki. well like usual watchimg movies ANTM season 16 and a lot of stuff balek with my mom shoppin baby clothes a few annoying chat but the best thing is i will start driving back at the 21st of march ! good right ...

just now i read a girl posting bout an article by is bout love story and its kinda sad because a gurl would sacrifice her feeling towards this guy because she loves his god ALLAH the almighty more than anything. i was so impress and in the end they still get married. thats why org ckp "jodoh pertemuan di tangan tuhan" and to be frank i was quite shock because i just realised that couple-ing is haram . you bitche might no bout this and don't laugh because its never too late to learn kan.

the best thing was i knew that i might be wont get any sin for not couple-ing but to hide your feeling might be hard because i wanna love and to be love of course. but i believe that my jodoh will come soon someday somehow. i still remember how stupid i was chatting as someone else just to feel love although its not real you know what i can't help it ? am i desperate ? i don't wanna say yes but i wont say no because love is everywhere.

and the guy actually change for his good and a lot of question on my mind right now ...

"umm kalau nak berubah tunggu hidayah dari ALLAH jer la ..."

but ask yourself

" apa yang telah aku usahakan untuk mendapatkan isnar petunjuk dari ALLAH?

have we ever think bout that ? someone between you bitches will say yes but some will say no anyway the answer is in your heart just ask and you know the answer okie !

i wanna change and actually don't think that its to late because life is not a bed of roses and its never to later to learn and never too late to u-turn

love Yuna