Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Scientist

This one is my girlfriend(literally). My besties for how many years allready, i malas nak count because i wanted the friendship to goes on hingga ke anak cucu"alahai noqss

Fyi, This is so not Ak. This one is a Bitch, the one as my support system, my backbone that always have my back. Love you bitch! #midonmoment

#now playing - The Scientist (Coldplay)

I guess this is the definition of love, bebeh

"Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard"

Hell yea i'm moved on i guess, kinda. It's sad of course but still i'm missing my Ak for sure. Of couse with his tainted smile and my tainted heart, i m melting baby. Okay enough about Ak, if talk more about it, tears will shed upon my cheeks and i will suicide literally.

So, that's my life!

This week main event! :

> Driving class in Thursday
> QTI in Saturday
> Raya Haji in Sunday

So, please pray for me! i want a driving license hahaha!

Love Yuna.