Thursday, March 3, 2011


cinta kepada-Nya , lebih bermakna daripada cinta manusia

its quite a long time i m not posting aite ? been to busy watching stupid stuff quite meaningless just to be happy but not really. so today like usual wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy ! mandi , gosok gigi and minum kopi then off to work with my kiki. well like usual watchimg movies ANTM season 16 and a lot of stuff balek with my mom shoppin baby clothes a few annoying chat but the best thing is i will start driving back at the 21st of march ! good right ...

just now i read a girl posting bout an article by is bout love story and its kinda sad because a gurl would sacrifice her feeling towards this guy because she loves his god ALLAH the almighty more than anything. i was so impress and in the end they still get married. thats why org ckp "jodoh pertemuan di tangan tuhan" and to be frank i was quite shock because i just realised that couple-ing is haram . you bitche might no bout this and don't laugh because its never too late to learn kan.

the best thing was i knew that i might be wont get any sin for not couple-ing but to hide your feeling might be hard because i wanna love and to be love of course. but i believe that my jodoh will come soon someday somehow. i still remember how stupid i was chatting as someone else just to feel love although its not real you know what i can't help it ? am i desperate ? i don't wanna say yes but i wont say no because love is everywhere.

and the guy actually change for his good and a lot of question on my mind right now ...

"umm kalau nak berubah tunggu hidayah dari ALLAH jer la ..."

but ask yourself

" apa yang telah aku usahakan untuk mendapatkan isnar petunjuk dari ALLAH?

have we ever think bout that ? someone between you bitches will say yes but some will say no anyway the answer is in your heart just ask and you know the answer okie !

i wanna change and actually don't think that its to late because life is not a bed of roses and its never to later to learn and never too late to u-turn

love Yuna

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