February moments~
so what's up with my updates???
well nothing more just been busy with work and a whole lot more , dey ! plss don't ask bout driving i knew after the first crazy class, aku mcm dah malas nak drive hahaha WTF!
wanna know something ??? this month i m goin to change myself and how do i behave because i think its the time if i m not goin to change now then when is it ??? give me a break okay ! so i bukanla nak change byk mane pon just a lil but i want to get near more to god cuz i think i m being selfish and yet forgetting the almighty i guess!
so my family quite anxious and duduk tak senang cuz my beloved kak marina dah nak bersalin ker GOSH! Hiatus Bitches ! i m not ready to be uncle yet! Walaweyh~
whatever it is i m just goin to pray for her although kiteorang tak ckp byk but i still love her like i love my kak min tadaa!
so i m just goin to say
"can't wait but hoping everything is goin to be just fine"
uncle iman damn i hope the wanna-be born child is a gurl !
February moments~
so what's up with my updates???
well nothing more just been busy with work and a whole lot more , dey ! plss don't ask bout driving i knew after the first crazy class, aku mcm dah malas nak drive hahaha WTF!
wanna know something ??? this month i m goin to change myself and how do i behave because i think its the time if i m not goin to change now then when is it ??? give me a break okay ! so i bukanla nak change byk mane pon just a lil but i want to get near more to god cuz i think i m being selfish and yet forgetting the almighty i guess!
so my family quite anxious and duduk tak senang cuz my beloved kak marina dah nak bersalin ker GOSH! Hiatus Bitches ! i m not ready to be uncle yet! Walaweyh~
whatever it is i m just goin to pray for her although kiteorang tak ckp byk but i still love her like i love my kak min tadaa!
so i m just goin to say
"can't wait but hoping everything is goin to be just fine"
uncle iman damn i hope the wanna-be born child is a gurl !